
We left Portsmouth on 9th July 2019 on Hoopla, our Southerly 105. Southerly bound, we wanted to head for warmer climes and to explore the world in small steps. Aboard Robert, Karen and Jack (our 11 year old son) we left our home, our jobs to seek adventure before we got too old. We had a loose plan to end up in the Mediterranean for the winter and find some warmth to rid our bones of the London chills that we have lived with all our lives.

This is the on-going story of our travels, the ups and downs of boat life and the amazing and interesting places that we visit and the people that we meet. We are not professional sailors or die hard blue water cruisers, just simply a family that wanted to “see the world.” On our way we are trying to make a very small difference by helping to clear up the rubbish that threatens our beautiful planet and trying to live a more sustainable existence.